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Mark on 10th, Calgary, Alberta

The concrete base of the glass enclosure is highlighted by linear color-changing LEDs. The colors vary in a wide range of blues controlled by a DMX system. All external lights are installed with a special cut-off feature to prevent light pollution and glare.
Proxima Lighting Solutions was retained in 2012 to design the feature lighting system for certain parts of the common elements of the building including walkways, entrances, facades, lobbies, and amenity areas.
Our design team aimed to create a unique identity for the building through illumination without causing light pollution or nuisance glare for adjacent buildings.

The following areas and features of the building were the main focal points of our design team:

Facade & Walkways

The facade lighting of the building on 10th Ave is designed to be bi-directional with wide downward distribution to illuminate the pedestrian walkways and narrow upward distribution to enhance the building texture. Special consideration was given to mounting heights and size of the fixtures in relation to human proportions.


The lobby ceiling LED lights are spread in an irregular pattern with more density near the lobbyā€™s wall of colorful artwork. Further, the wall washers are equipped with ceramic arc tube metal-halide lamps specifically designed to showcase the artwork and create a more congenial atmosphere.
image by Rob Moroto, Calgary Photos
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Elevator & Bamboo box Enclosures

These are located on the left and on the right side of the main lobby respectively. The gold-color enclosures are lit with special spectrum LEDs to create a soft glow and in the case of the bamboo box, work in sync with plant photosynthesis.

Amenity-Building Component

This is located on the top of the building and includes a lounge, a gymnasium, meeting and study areas enclosed in a golden glass cube. It is lit through interior lights to achieve a soft glow.
The concrete base of the glass enclosure is highlighted by linear color-changing LEDs. The colors vary in a wide range of blues controlled by a DMX system. All external lights are installed with a special cut-off feature to prevent light pollution and glare.
This 53-story tower was developed by Qualex-Landmark, and designed by BKDI Architects, and Rafii Architects.

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